Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ride Chain/PG/Heal Farming is now the only viable VP farming build

You hate to see it.

After running tests with a 5k starter (to attempt to just get class levels for Shadow Paladin, of which I was averaging less than 2 full levels a day because of the server issues) I noticed that I was getting substantially greater VP gains when I switched to Ride Chain/PG/Heal farming to level up OTT.  Of course, due to the changes, this is absolutely no surprise to anyone.  While the entire community could benefit from all VP farmers switching to 5ks and not running PGs or Heals (greatly decreases game length, greatly increases VP gain, etc.) as long as 20-30%~ of the community are running Ride Chain PG Heal farms (and a non-substantial portion of the community is running other farms, but nowhere near the quantity of the ride chain farmers), there's just no room for anything other than ride chains and 6ks in this meta, except ride chains are the worst match-up for 6ks, and with their one bad match-up being meta dominant, that's an oof.

This means that if you want to get class levels, you're better off running 4ks and a non-attacking auto-clicker.  Except these absolute morons running the ride chain farms don't seem to know how to run an auto-clicker that attacks after you ride to grade 3.  So then you have like 25 minute matches where you couldn't hit them anyway (barring you playing 6k/ride chain).  Hilariously, because they top charge on ride, you end up winning, but it's not really worth it.  So then you slow things down with attacks and pray that they don't hit enough heals/nulls and you kill them before you die.  But then you lose from decking out.  There is no "winning" with fast matches precisely because the state of the auto-clicking meta is so toxic due to the VP changes.

So, here's a PSA:  If you're using Bluestacks and playing a Ride Chain/Farm Build and you find that you aren't attacking, run the "Auto Ride Deck VP Farmer 2.1".  I don't think it "fixes" if you have a match fail to load and may not work if you rank up.  Whatever, check back every so often.  Run this if you're too lazy to manually create your own working clicker so that games don't take 25 years.

Yes, I'm helping them attack because if we can't get everyone to run 5ks and VP farm together to get free ranks, cards, rewards, etc. because we're all too intrinsically selfish/stupid to do so, then we're just stuck with 25 minute games if anyone wants to afk level up other clans for those gem rewards unless I can educate some digital dummies on how to utilize a functioning auto-clicker.

Not much else can be done due to how the rewards function this time around.  🤷

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