Monday, November 25, 2013

Just How Likely is it to Die at 3 Damage to a Double Crit?

Odds of checking double criticals with X amount of criticals in your deck.

16 Crits: 10.2%
15 Crits: 8.9%
14 Crits: 7.74%
13 Crits: 6.63%
12 Crits: 5.6%
11 Crits: 4.68%
10 Crits: 3.82%
9 Crits: 3.06%
8 Crits: 2.38%
7 Crits: 1.79%
6 Crits: 1.28%
5 Crits: 0.85%
4 Crits: 0.51%
3 Crits: 0.26%
2 Crits: 0.085%
1 Crit: 0%
0 Crits: 0%

Odds of damage checking heals with 4 in your deck.

Checking a heal: 8.16%
Double checking heals: .5%
Triple checking heals: .02%
Quadruple checking heals: .00047%

Checking one heal in two damage checks: 15.8%

Checking one heal in three damage checks: 22.98%

The odds of dying to an opponent if you have the same or more damage (your opponent is at 3 or less damage) when you take the 3 critical attack at 3 damage would be:

16 Crits: 7.856%
15 Crits: 6.855%
14 Crits: 5.961%
13 Crits: 5.106%
12 Crits: 4.313%
11 Crits: 3.605%
10 Crits: 2.942%
9 Crits: 2.357%
8 Crits: 1.833%
7 Crits: 1.379%
6 Crits: 0.986%
5 Crits: 0.655%
4 Crits: 0.393%
3 Crits: 0.2%
2 Crits: 0.065%
1 Crit: 0%
0 Crits: 0%

The odds of dying to an opponent if you have one less damage (your opponent is at 4 damage) when you take the 3 critical attack at 3 damage would be:

16 Crits: 8.59%
15 Crits: 7.49%
14 Crits: 6.52%
13 Crits: 5.58%
12 Crits: 4.73%
11 Crits: 3.94%
10 Crits: 3.22%
9 Crits: 2.58%
8 Crits: 2%
7 Crits: 1.51%
6 Crits: 1.08%
5 Crits: 0.72%
4 Crits: 0.43%
3 Crits: 0.22%
2 Crits: 0.072%
1 Crit: 0%
0 Crits: 0%

The odds of dying to an opponent if you have two less damage (your opponent is at 5 damage) when you take the 3 critical attack at 3 damage would be:

16 Crits: 9.37%
15 Crits: 8.17%
14 Crits: 7.11%
13 Crits: 6.09%
12 Crits: 5.14%
11 Crits: 4.3%
10 Crits: 3.51%
9 Crits: 2.81%
8 Crits: 2.19%
7 Crits: 1.64%
6 Crits: 1.18%
5 Crits: 0.78%
4 Crits: 0.47%
3 Crits: 0.24%
2 Crits: 0.078%
1 Crit: 0%
0 Crits: 0%


  1. If these calculations are correct, then why do I lose in these situations all the time?



    1. If your opponent is playing with 12 or more criticals in their decks, it's not even that unlikely. You're looking at between 1/25 instances of no guarding at 3 vs. a 12 crit deck beating you to almost 1/10 for 16 crits (assuming you run 4 heals in all of your decks).
