Why thank you, Mr. Power Gamer. I am doing quite well this afternoon. I do have to politely correct you on one thing, though. We are all royalty in Vanguard. I am really no different than anyone else. (TE)
TPG: Such humility! You exemplify all of the aspects of princesshood. I wanted to shift to our first topic if that's fine with you.
TE: No. Let's talk about how princess-like I am for a few more paragraphs.
TPG: No. Now, let's discuss memes in Vanguard. What is your stance on memes?
TE: I personally believe that memes are the very nature of Vanguard. Memes from every clan, unit, and player are what exemplify this game and make it what it is. Everything from Stardrive Dragon to Stardrive Dragon.
TPG: While I approve of the Stardrive Dragon meme, don't you have any other Vanguard memes?
TE: There are other Vanguard memes?
TPG: Yes, like the Zubat Victor meme you just released. Or the Hey Yo Pineapple memes. Or the Brandon Chmiel memes? Or you actually having ever topped. How did you manage that one, by the way, Timothy?
TE: For starters, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of these non-Stardrive memes. Secondly...
TPG: Ahh, well, if a doctor says so, it must be true.
TE: Assuredly.
TPG: Didn't you also top with Seven Seas Rush?
TPG: Right. So, next question. What is your favorite card in the game.
TE: I'm sure Wolverine already knows.

TPG: Interesting. Who else acknowledges your avatar, Stardrive Dragon?
TE: Good question. Here are a few individuals who acknowledge the greatness of Stardrive Dragon. Donald Trump, Google, and Bushiroad's banlist.

TPG: Very interesting. So what you're saying is that Stardrive Dragon is quite literally the secret to success in Cardfight!! Vanguard?
TE: If Trump, Google, and especially Bushiroad know how overpowered this card is to the point where they would restrict it, I don't think I'd call it a secret.
TPG: Another quick question while I have you here. I notice that Stardrive Dragon is a "Shadow Paladin" in the Japanese text of that meme. Care to comment on this mistake?
TE: If Blaster Blade Seeker is a Shadow Paladin, why not Stardrive?
TPG: Valid point. Do you have any advice for those in the Vanguard community who want to rise to prominence and become well known and respected?
TE: Yes. Find a better goal in your life than enlarging your internet ego by claiming to be special at a Children's Trading Card Game.
TPG: Aren't you doing exactly what you're accusing other people of doing by being in this interview as a member of Vanguard royalty?
TE: Irony seems to be lost on you, Mr. Power Gamer.
TPG: Indeed it does.
TPG: That's it for my exclusive interview with
TE: Amon is my waifu.
Hope to see more EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS with famous CFV memesters in the future