I've been having a blast going to two local tournaments and spending my weekends playing card games. It's been pretty great. I've been getting sacked, gradelocked, and what have you, so I decided this weekend that I felt like winning. Naturally, I play the deck I feel is the most competitive in the current meta to choose for this task: Ripple Rush.
Ripple Rush has a list on here, but for those unfamiliar with how it works, it uses the Ripple Ride chain for Pavroth's on-hit effect (if you land the chain), Sotirio's top 7 search for a grade 2/3 when you ride it on the starter, Sotirio's top 7 search for Pavroth if you ride the wrong grade 2 over him, Turtle's top card check for a grade 1 or 2 to superior call (which can be used as VG over Sotirio for a plus 1 and still hitting the chain), and passing crits to Tidal Assault for a multi-crit restanding rear guard. That's the gist of it.
I played on Saturday with Ripple Rush. I won two games on the first turn attacking. One game I went Tidal -> Same Tidal -> VG attack (nulled) crit -> Tidal w/ Crit -> Tidal w/ Crit. It was dirty. If my VG had hit, my other Tidal would have stood at 7k power, though, and swung again. I ended the night 6-1, and opted to get 5 packs of Gatecrash with my prizes. Didn't pull anything spectacular, but it felt good to get some prize support. I feel like Ripple Rush is cheesy and try-hardy, so I avoid using it. But winning cards feels nice, so I might stop having all of these reservations about playing it.
Sunday's tournament I played Ripple Rush again. I was determined to win since I haven't won at Midwest (lost in the final round the week before this one, somehow went from undefeated to like 7th place and got no packs). I end up going 8-2 for the day, winning every round, and netting 6 packs of prize support or 18 bucks. I opt to use that money for the wife and I to enter the Weiss Schwartz tournament, having never played it before. I beat the two veterans in the 8 man tourney, and lose to the other trial deck. Lawl. I get 5 packs and pull one RR out of it. So meh. Decided on a whim to get two more packs, and I pull a 100~ dollar SP Cait Sith Silica and another copy of that RR. I won card game forever, I guess.
Then I also traded my 4 extra Binoculus and Monoculas Tigers for a Naruto deck. I decided that now that it's dead I'm going to get in on it. Got an Earth/Wind Hyuga/Mind Power/Lawl1stHogakeFTW deck. Got to play it once before my wife was beating me up to head back home since the in-laws were watching the kids. I had a lot of fun playing the Naruto game and want to play it some more. Looking forward to a few games of WS and Naruto in the near future.
Planning on going in on Kill la Kill for Nudist Beach.dek with purple nipples everywhere. Hell yeah!